By Leisa Parsons and Ken Jarvis, Area Media Specialists

“Through your ministry, donations, time and love, you have been the answer to so many prayers. And yet there is so much more to do.” said Sister Sharon Eubank during her address at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ General Conference Saturday evening .
She went on to say “As baptized members of the Church, we are under covenant to care for those in need. Our individual efforts don’t necessarily require money or faraway locations; but they do require the guidance of the Holy Spirit and a willing heart to say to the Lord: ‘Here am I, send me.’”

This afternoon, members of the Valencia Branch answered the invitation to help those in need. They brought household goods to a new family of refugees from Afghanistan. The Valencia Branch, from the San Antonio East Stake, has been gathering the furniture and items for a few weeks awaiting the call that came last night — a family was ready to move in.
Elisa Rangel, the Branch Relief Society President said when she first heard about the opportunity to gather items for refugees she was thrilled to put her religion into practice. She said: “The mission of our Church is to help our fellowmen. And I wanted to put charity, the pure love of Christ, into action.”
In Sunday afternoon’s session of General Conference, Bishop Todd L. Budge of the Church’s Presiding Bishopric was asked to speak of the Church’s many humanitarian efforts around the globe. He said: when “viewed from the perspective of ‘giving to’ the Lord, our sacrifices on behalf of others become gifts, and the joy of generously giving becomes its own reward.”

The branch brought so many items for this family of five, that Joann Franck, from the Center for Refugee Services, said that she could bring some of the items to other families. She said that the Afghan families are so good to share any excess items with newly arrived families. She said there were approximately 1,000 Afghans in the area, with more arriving. Many refugees that will arrive here are currently being held up with paperwork and in trying to insure everyone is healthy and vaccinated.

Bishop Budge said: “Yes, each of us is small, but together as we hasten to give to God and our fellowmen, wherever we go, lives are enriched and blessed.”
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