By Tish Rodriguez and Marci McPhee — San Antonio East Stake
What if hunters donated their deer meat to feed the hungry among us? What if all that was missing was volunteers to process the meat, learning valuable skills in the process?
That’s just what is happening right now. And you can do it too.
The Young Men of the Windcrest Ward, San Antonio East Stake, spent a Saturday morning assisting with processing deer in a program called Hunters for the Hungry, a collaboration between the San Antonio Food Bank and Trinity Oaks Enterprises. This volunteer opportunity occurs fall and winter during hunting season. Fifteen youth and adults from the Windcrest Ward learned about meat processing, from the time it is field-dressed until it is ready for grinding into hamburger. Then the volunteers actually skinned, deboned and cut up the meat.
Some of the comments heard from the boys:
“Wow, this was a great activity, I learned so much.”
“It’s a lot of work to skin a deer, clean it up and then cut it up.”
“A lot of people are going to get to eat because we were able to do this.”
What a blessing it was for these boys and their leaders to learn the basics of where meat comes from and how it makes it to the table. It’s essential to have volunteers available to process donated meat as soon as it comes in, so that the Food Bank can use all the carcasses donated from hunters who are so willing to use their skill to help feed the hungry. In fact, sometimes they had to throw away meat because of lack of volunteers to process it.
This opportunity has been extended until the end of March of 2021! If you want to try something new, there is a great need for those who are comfortable in preparing fresh meat for the table. It’s a great opportunity for individuals, families or small groups (10-15 or fewer).
To volunteer, go to and click on any orange bar. Volunteers are needed Tuesday through Saturday at 9385 Miller Lane in San Antonio.
Thanks to the Young Men and their leaders in the Windcrest Ward for helping feed the hungry. “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:35-40, NIV and KJV).