by Leisa Parsons, Area Communications Media Specialist
This morning’s Second Annual Welcome Walk, sponsored by Culturingua and other organizations and volunteers, is a wonderful example of what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Communication personnel do, day in and day out, in the San Antonio area. Unique among callings in the Church, the Communication council on the area and stake level look outward to the community. Communication Councils help bring people unto Jesus Christ by building relationships with people and organizations to achieve the mission of the Church, increase understanding of the Church, and minister to the needs of God’s children.

Sharon Christensen, Communications Director from the La Cantera Stake, and Melinda Preator, Communications Director for the San Antonio North Stake, were on hand this morning along with many volunteers from various Church congregations around the city to help with the Welcome Walk. Christensen has been working with Culturingua and was asked to help with children’s activities and in securing volunteers for this morning’s walk.

San Antonio Mayor, Ron Nuremberg, participated in the walk. He said: “This event, with San Antonio residents walking alongside newcomers in our community, physically and metaphorically represents San Antonio’s support in welcoming new immigrants and refugees. I’m so honored to stand here to continue this annual tradition.”
Communication councils support JustServe in mobilizing member and community volunteer service, like this morning’s Welcome Walk. The perceptions that community leaders, government officials, news media, and others hold about the Church can directly affect its success. By developing trusting relationships on behalf of Church leaders in the area, the work of ministering to all of God’s children is facilitated.

Through the years, relationships with other faiths and charities, such as Catholic Charities, Haven for Hope, the San Antonio Food Bank, various food pantries and organizations such as Culturingua and the Center for Refugee Services have helped the Church and its members serve in the community. Don Larson, Area Communications Director said he used stay awake at night when he served as a Stake President as he thought about his stewardship. “As a Stake President, we don’t just serve our members, we have a greater stewardship for all of the people who live within our stake boundaries. I could never figure out how to minister or fulfill that responsibility, now as a Communications Director, I get it. I can see how we can make a difference in lifting and serving those in our community.”

Another aspect of the work of Communications councils, at all levels, is to leverage social media to uplift, inspire, educate, and connect members and the community with the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.