by Leisa Parsons, Area Media Specialist
Christmas is always more magical when seen through the eyes of a child. A toy and clothing drive, sponsored by the Center for Refugee Services, will bring some added joy and magic to the holiday season for many refugee children in the San Antonio area.

The refugee population in San Antonio has grown over the years. Following the fall of Kabul late last year, Afghan families streamed into San Antonio. 1,400 children from Afghanistan arrived, bringing the total of refugee children to over 2,200 since 2019. With the warm welcome they received, many refugees have convinced family, originally located elsewhere, to move to San Antonio.

This week, the Ninth Annual Toy Drive, sponsored by the Center for Refugee Services, was held. Due to the larger number of refugees and expected turnout, Jean Sherrill, assistant director for the Center, reached out to Sharon Christensen from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for a bigger location. The Church’s meetinghouse on Huebner was used for the drive.

Volunteers from the Center, Worldwide Languages and members of the Church of Jesus Christ came together to help make the drive a success. Stations were set up with different volunteers given assignments. There were those who manned the donations being dropped off. Then there were clothing distribution stations, a stop to pick up toys and then a place to get everything wrapped. Some volunteers were “shopping guides” to help parents of the refugee children.

One mom in the area took her children with her to purchase toys and gifts for the refugee children about two weeks ago. She said her children were so excited to drop off the gifts when the toy drive finally arrived. Melinda Preator, from the Church of Jesus Christ said, “It was wonderful to help these families pick gifts for their children and pajamas, socks, and underwear for each person in their family. It was organized well and the recipient families were full of gratitude.” Generosity and gratitude are two of the characteristics which truly make the season bright! Thank you to all who helped bring cheer and happiness to so many refugee families in San Antonio.