The Parable of the Invisible Bike Coach

By Neal B. Jeppson, San Antonio Center for Young Adults

Lessons Learned

I just finished teaching my last child to ride a bike.  It’s been something that I’ve looked forward to and dreaded all at the same time.  Not only does learning how to ride a bike test the relationship between the learner and the teacher; it also magnifies human weakness on both the part of the rider, as well as the one doing the teaching.  So why do we insist on inflicting these types of experiences on ourselves and others? We do it because after all of the tear filled moments, the scrapes have healed and fears are overcome, a reward that can rarely be found in other experiences awaits for both teacher and the learner.

So many lessons are gained on a little bike, rolling on hard concrete, with a young parent and a semi-trusting child.  For me, it has been a classroom of why human weakness is so critical for me and my family’s development in life. It has become what I call, The Parable of the Invisible Bike Coach.


The Invisible Bike Coach

Imagine what it would be like if we didn’t experience weakness in this life.  It would be like learning to ride a bike with the help of an invisible bike coach. In this scenario, the rider would simply mount up and never sense any imbalance. The coach, of course, would still be there, holding the bike steady but the rider would have no idea that any one else was helping them along.

“This is easy!” the rider exclaims as they begin peddling. As they continue, the invisible bike coach walks silently behind the bike, fingertips pressing into the seat, steadying the rider. Sometimes the invisible bike coach may even run behind the bike, gently pushing it to make it go faster.

Gradually the rider starts to get the hang of it and the invisible bike coach notices moments when he is able to lessen his grip on the bike seat. The rider, unaware of any additional support or even the need for help, acknowledges the ease of the challenge and recognizes that they are just “really good at this bike-riding thing.” Soon the invisible bike coach lets go completely and the rider heads off into the sunset.

In this scenario, there’s no falling, no scrapes and no frustration. Only the joy of riding. Sounds good, right?


Strength Found in Weakness

When learning to ride a bike, there are lessons that can only be learned if the rider understands this principle: Weakness presents an opportunity for growth. This lesson is more important than just how to properly bandage a scraped knee after falling off a bike. It’s perhaps even more important than developing grit from having to pick oneself up after a fall. Recognizing weakness allows the rider to determine need. A need for help that they are unable to provide for themselves. Let’s consider what other opportunities for growth the rider could have if they were aware of the coach’s presence and his assistance. Continue reading “The Parable of the Invisible Bike Coach”

A Miracle to be Seen


Written by Shanna Glover Wheeler

Traditionally this time of year is a time of reflection for so many people around the world. As my family and I have thought a lot about what the next year will bring, it’s looked a little bit different than it has in the past. You see, something happens when you’re told that you’ve got three to six months left to live. This is not the news I expected to hear at forty-five years old, after a three-year battle with breast cancer. It’s the kind of news that really makes you look long and hard in the mirror. It makes you contemplate your life, the choices you’ve made, and whether or not you’ve used the time you’ve had in ways that will leave a lasting impact on those you love the most.

Time is a funny thing when it’s something you’re running a little short of and it’s a masterful teacher.  It’s taught me a unique perspective. Consequently, my family and I have learned a few lessons over the past few months. I’d love to share some of these with you.


“Why me?”

As I think back over the past number of years I can see how the Lord has been preparing me to come back home.  Interestingly enough, I’ve seen His hand mostly in helping me prepare my children. My husband and I have ten kids. We’ve adopted eight of them and fostered another forty-two throughout our marriage. All of this has been especially challenging for them as most of my kids have already lost a parent and experienced so much trauma in their lives. Again and again I’ve asked, “Why wouldn’t God want me to be here to help them?Why me? I have more work left to do!” Daily I wrestled with these questions and the concept of needing to give my will to God. 


Finding Peace

During this period I’d also been spending time at the temple. It was there that I was able to receive peace and was finally able to reconcile my will to His. The Spirit spoke to me and reminded me that I don’t stop being their mother when I’m not here on earth any longer. That fact doesn’t change regardless of which side of the veil I’m on. It was a beautiful reminder that being a wife and mother is what knits together my eternal identity. It’s who I am. Furthermore, my understanding deepened of why God made it possible for families to be eternal. It’s because He loves us! He doesn’t want us to be separated from those we love the most. I’ve felt so grateful for this perspective! I have received so much peace because of it. Continue reading “A Miracle to be Seen”